Enroll in person at Gallery Furniture by calling (832) 817-1354 to set up an appointment or fill out this intake form:
Our Industry Partners
WorkTexas primarily will be accountable to its industry partners to ensure the curriculum and teaching align completely with the needs of its industry partners. WorkTexas will accomplish this focus by involving the partners directly in both curriculum development and enhancement, as well as in selecting and training the teachers who will deliver the instruction. The industry partners also will help WorkTexas create staffing opportunities ready to guarantee employment of the successful graduates of WorkTexas. Graduation means more than a piece of paper: it means a job and the beginning of a career.

Gallery Furniture
Gallery Furniture is hosting the initial location for WorkTexas training and the high school, as well as industry partner in carpentry, horticulture, preschool, and culinary arts.
Website: galleryfurniture.com

Linbeck Construction
Linbeck Construction – industry partner supporting construction trade training, both classes and internships.
Website: linbeck.com

Trio Electric
Trio Electric – industry partner supporting electrical trade training, through their own curriculum, classes, and internships.
Website: trioltd.com

Houston Habitat for Humanity
Through shelter, Houston Habitat for Humanity empowers people to build a better future for themselves and their families by completing financial and home maintenance training, building homes alongside volunteers, and by purchasing their homes with an affordable mortgage. With this hand up, they achieve strength, stability, and self-reliance.
Website: houstonhabitat.org

Kinsel Motors
Kinsel Motors – industry partner supporting auto and diesel tech training, both classes and internships.
Website: kinselmotors.com

MOC Central
MOC Central - industry partner supporting auto and diesel tech training, both classes and internships.
Website: moccentralusa.com

S&B Engineers and Constructors
S&B Engineers and Constructors - industry partner supporting welding and other construction trade training, both classes and internships.
Website: sbec.com

Element Architects
Element Architects – providing pro bono architectural work to convert 12,000 square feet of Gallery Furniture showroom space into a high school and CTE shop area.
Website: elementarchitects.com

XVAND – providing pro bono IT Support to set up the job center and trade school intake center at Gallery Furniture.
Website: xvand.com

Workforce Solutions
The Gulf Coast Workforce Board and its operating affiliate Workforce Solutions, are the public workforce system in the 13-county Houston-Galveston region of Texas. We help employers meet their human resource needs and individuals build careers, so both can compete in the global economy.
Website: wrksolutions.com
Our Funding Partners
Tony Annunziato
Baxter Trust
Ray C. Fish Foundation
Gallery Furniture
Jeff Gorski
Guill Family Foundation
Harris County COVID-19 Workforce Development Program
Albert and Ethel Herzstein Charitable Foundation
The Home Depot
JPMorgan Chase Foundation
Steven J. and Melissa C. Kean Charitable Foundation
Cheryl and Mark Keller
Carole and Jim Looke
Bruce Lundstrom
Marek Family Foundation
Julie and Douglas Mueller
Chris Orth
William and Rita Orth
Sue and Bob Peebler
Posoli Family Foundation
Linda Potter
RSR Finance
Karen and Robert Saltiel
Andrew Simpson
Strake Foundation
Dan West
Charles White and Cathy Cates
Our Training/Support Partners
Our Training/Support partners provide trade skills training, apprenticeship, job placement services, life coaching, and other support services.

Responsive Education Solutions
Responsive Ed Premier High School — a public school of choice that prepares students for life after high school, whether that involves a path to higher education or exposure to a meaningful career.
Website: responsiveed.com

Construction & Maintenance Education Foundation (CMEF) — educational affiliate of ABC Greater Houston, and a non-profit 501 (c3) solely devoted to servicing the workforce development needs of the contractor community through programs ranging from craft and safety training to management and leadership instruction.
Website: CMEF

Houston Community College
Houston Community College is an open-admission, public institution of higher education offering a high-quality, affordable education for academic advancement, workforce training, career development, and lifelong learning to prepare individuals in our diverse communities for life and work in a global and technological society.
Website: https://hccs.edu

The WorkFaith Connection is a Christ-centered 501 c(3) organization that exists to provide faith-based training and coaching for anyone who desires long-term employment. Our Christ-centered values paired with our highly-structured program help students increase their value and confidence which is needed for successful transitions back into the workforce.
Website: workfaithconnection.org/

Avenue 360
Avenue 360 Health & Wellness offers a holistic solution for those seeking a medical home. The patient is the center of our model, giving our patients a collaborative choice for their healthcare needs. We care for the whole person, whether it’s a medical diagnosis and treatment, a pharmacy, preventative care, housing, or access to a community wellness worker.
Website: avenue360.org

Combined Arms
Combined Arms is a collaborative impact organization that is using an innovative approach to technology and service delivery to disrupt the veteran transition experience. By providing comprehensive support to military members and their families as they transition to civilian life, we are accelerating veteran transition in order to deliver maximum impact on Texas.
Website: combinedarms.us

Community Health Choice
We are a local, non-profit, Managed Care Organization (MCO) offering Children’s Medicaid (STAR) and CHIP programs. We also offer plans through the Health Insurance Marketplace. Community Health Choice has a network of 10,000 doctors and 77 hospitals.
Website: communityhealthchoice.org

Hope and Healing Center & Institute
The Hope and Healing Center & Institute is a comprehensive mental health resource dedicated to transforming lives and restoring hope through education, training, clinical services and research.
Website: hopeandhealingcenter.org

Hope’s Path
Hope’s Path is a non-profit 501(c)3 that uses a faith based community approach to direct former foster youth and homeless youth ages 18 - 27 towards confident sustainable independence.
Website: www.hopespath.org

Houston Food Bank
The Houston Food Bank is a solution to both hunger and food waste. America’s largest and nationally recognized, the Food Bank distributes 104 million nutritious meals through its network of 1,500 community partners in southeast Texas, feeding 800,000 individuals each year.
Website: houstonfoodbank.org

Journey Through Life
Journey Through Life ensures our clients achieve optimal levels of well-being through the provision of compassionate, innovative and effective behavioral health and wellness services.
Website: journeythroughlifellc.com

Legacy Community Health
As a full-service, Federally Qualified Health Center, Legacy identifies unmet needs and gaps in health-related services and develops client-centered programs to address those needs. A United Way-affiliated agency since 1990, we currently provide adult primary care, pediatrics, dental care, vision services, behavioral health services, OB/GYN and maternity, vaccinations and immunizations, health promotion and community outreach, wellness and nutrition, and comprehensive HIV/AIDS care.
Website: legacycommunityhealth.org

Lone Star Legal Aid
Lone Star Legal Aid’s mission is to protect and advance the civil legal rights of the millions of Texans living in poverty in its 76 county service area by providing free advocacy, legal representation, and community education that ensures equal access to justice.
Website: www.lonestarlegal.org

Main Street Ministries
Main Street Ministries Houston is dedicated to sharing the love of Christ and empowering our community’s most vulnerable to experience stability, purpose and renewal. We are a Christian community that seeks to love our neighbors, deepen our faith and enrich our city by helping vulnerable community members build stable, meaningful lives. Most of the men, women and families we serve have experienced challenges related to cycles of poverty, homelessness, substance abuse, and incarceration. Serving one another in love and grace, we discover purpose and hope that lead us all to our fullest God-given potential.
Website: msmhouston.org

Northwest Assistance Ministries
NAM’s mission is to strive to meet basic human needs through Neighbors Helping Neighbors. NAM’s vision, grounded in its mission and true to its values, is a community in which Neighbors care for Neighbors through collaborative efforts with area congregations, community partners, donors and volunteers. Resources are pooled and leveraged to meet basic needs and to help individuals regain their self-sufficiency, thereby creating a safer and more stable community for all.
Website: www.namonline.org/

Wesley Community Center
Wesley Community Center is a Houston nonprofit organization, anchored in the Near Northside, providing an array of social services to families in our neighborhood and throughout Houston. Our services include Early Head Start, childcare, after school and summer care for school-aged youth, food for struggling families, meals and activities for seniors, and a financial opportunity center for individuals to gain the skills they need to become financially stable.
Website: wesleyhousehouston.org

Workforce Solutions
The Gulf Coast Workforce Board and its operating affiliate Workforce Solutions, are the public workforce system in the 13-county Houston-Galveston region of Texas. We help employers meet their human resource needs and individuals build careers, so both can compete in the global economy.
Website: wrksolutions.com
Questions? Learn more about how WorkTexas works with our partners to help our students become workforce ready.